This page is here to provide you with answers to some common questions. In particular, information about financial support, absence reporting and mental health & wellbeing support.
Good attendance is linked very closely to success at BN1 Arts and attendance will be monitored for each timetabled session. Below is our absence procedure for students reporting non-attendance to college.
NOTE: Absences need to be reported before 9am.
If a student cannot attend college due to illness, they should let student support know of this before 10am for each day that they are not attending college. If the student is under 18, a parent/guardian may be contacted to confirm this. If a student misses 5 or more days in a row, a doctor’s note should be provided.
Appointments should be made outside of college time. If an emergency appointment has been booked, the appointment will only be authorised once evidence has been shown to student support. This evidence can either be a practitioner note or a proof of appointment (e.g. text message or email).
If planned engineering works will disrupt travel to college, student support must be told in advance. Student Support will authorise lateness, leaving college early and full absences on a case-by-case basis.
Interviews and auditions can be authorised once proof has been provided (e.g., an email/text confirmation).
Rehearsals should be scheduled for outside of college time. Shows will be authorised on a case-by-case basis. Student Support should be notified in advance (at least 24 business hours before the missed college day).
BN1 Arts takes online safety very seriously and ensure this topic is covered with students within our extended studies curriculum so that they are aware of the risks associated with the internet and how to keep safe. There are student facing resources available to them on their google platform, as parents and carers please refer to the below in regard to online safety.
Top tips for setting boundaries around gaming
Sharing photos - What parents and carers need to know about Sharing Photos
Anime - What parents and carers need to know about Anime
ESports - A guide for parents and carers
Tiktok – A Useful Guide for Parents and Carers
Netflix – A Useful Guide for Parents and Carers
Online Gaming to Online Gambling – Recognising the signs
MENCAP Internet Safety Guide, Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety
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